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Within Power BI, you have the capability to format your report pages. The following outlines the available formatting choices:
In Powerops, the Pages sub-section can be found under the Report section. The page formatting options are further divided into:
The General subsection within the Pages category addresses page-related details mentioned below:
Page Information: Page Name, Page Type, Allow Q&A, Page Synonyms
Canvas Settings: Canvas Type, Height, Width, Vertical Alignment
Canvas Background: Canvas Background Color, Image, Image Fit, Transparency
Wallpaper: Wallpaper Color, Image, Image Fit, Transparency
The filter pane formatting options allow configuring the appearance and behavior of the filter pane in a Power BI report. The below options can be formatted:
Text: Font, Font Size, Text and Icons Color
Input: Input Box Color
Header: Header Text Size
Search Box: Search Text Size
Border: On/Off, Color
Background: Color, Transparency
Options: Pane Width, Apply and Checkboxes color
Based on if filters are Applied (set to something) or Default, the filter pane cards can be formatted. The below formatting options are available:
State (Default or Applied)
Text: Font, Size, Text and Icons Color
Input: Input Box Color
Border: On/Off, Color
Background: Color, Transparency
Power BI's automatic page refresh feature allows your currently active report page to automatically fetch new data at a predetermined interval.
Page Refresh Section is displayed only when a DirectQuery Source is used.
When using automatic page refresh, there are two refresh types available- Fixed interval and Change detection.
The below information is displayed on Powerops:
Page Name
Refresh Type (Fixed interval or Change detection)
Refresh Interval
Measure Field (Only in case of Change Detection Page Refresh Type)